The launch of China's second manned spaceflight, carrying two taikonauts aboard Shenzhou 6 for a five- to seven-day flight, is scheduled for the second half of 2005. The Long March 2F booster for the flight will be delivered to the Jiuquan launch centre in June-July 2005. International Launch Services (ILS) launched an Atlas IIIA booster from Complex 36 at Cape Canaveral on 13 March, carrying the Space Systems/Loral-built, 4,150kg (9,100lb) MBSAT digital multimedia satellite for the Japanese Mobile Broadcasting Corporation and SK Telecom of Korea. ILS also launched a Proton M-Breeze M booster from Baikonur on 15 March carrying the Eutelsat W3A communications satellite built by EADS Astrium.

Source: Flight International
