The Indian government is expected to shortlist two bidders in mid-2005 to contest a requirement for a new fleet of long-endurance maritime warfare and coastal patrol aircraft. New Delhi is thought to be considering Alenia's ATR 42MP Surveyor, Antonov's An-140 and EADS Casa's CN-235 and C-295 for the requirement, and to have already eliminated Antonov's An-38 and An-74, Ilyushin's Il-114 and Sukhoi's Su-80, writes Vladimir Karnozov.

Antonov says it has entered discussions with the Indian government over the possible supply of An-140s with mission equipment from Israeli companies such as Elbit Systems and Israel Aircraft Industries, in preference to French or Russian systems. Antonov will integrate the selected mission equipment, with Ukraine's Kharkov Aviation Manufacturing (KSAMC) to produce the An-140 airframes, says KSAMC general director Pavel Naumenko.

Iran and Russia are also considering the potential acquisition of An-140 maritime patrol aircraft, he says, with Iran reportedly interested in a mission suite comprising French, Russian and local systems. Malaysia is, meanwhile, expected to consider a Russian-Ukrainian offer of maritime patrol versions of the An-74TK300 or An-140.

The Finmeccanica-promoted ATR 42MP on offer to India is based on an Italian coastguard and customs service variant equipped with Galileo Avionica's integrated airborne tactical observation and surveillance suite.

The C-295 tactical transport has been offered to meet an Indian border security force requirement, with the CN-235 promoted to the Indian coastguard and navy with EADS Casa's integrated tactical mission system suite.

Source: Flight International