Exactly how far the gap between aviation's leasing giants, GECAS and ILFC, and their rivals has narrowed can be seen in Airline Business' finance interactive. A clickable infographic shows how the businesses of the top 10 lessors by value and fleet size have evolved between 2010 and 2011.


Clicking on different years brings up graphs explaining how the world's biggest lessor, GECAS reduced its fleet size by 66 aircraft from 1,821 to 1,755 between 2010 and 2011. During the same period, AerCap grew it fleet from 290 to 326 aircraft.The infographic also shows how the lessors' order backlog passed the 1,500 mark at the end of last year, jumping 18% on the 2010 figure.

 Finance interactive

 AB finance cover 2012

 Check out the second edition of the Airline Business finance interactive magazine. It features expert video comment, analysis and interactive graphics highlighting our annual Finance and Leasing survey and trends in aviation finance.

Source: Airline Business