Iran is to launch its first imaging satellite on 28 September. A Russian Cosmos 3M rocket will launch the 65kg (295lb) Mascach imaging satellite into low Earth orbit, together with another 20kg “scientific” satellite, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

According to Tal Inbar from the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies in Israel, the Masbach was built by Carlo Gavazzi in Italy and will have only limited capability.

The launching of the two satellites is part of Iran’s ambitious space programme.

India, meanwhile, is awaiting government approval for a regional navigation satellite system to consist of seven geosynchronous satellites, each weighing less than 1,000kg.

Proposed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, the system will provide positioning services as well as locating distress calls.


Additional reporting by Radhakrishna Rao in Bangalore

Source: Flight International
