Israel Aircraft Industries has linked up with the USA to develop and launch a version of Israel's Shavit satellite booster for the commercial market.

It has joined with Coleman Research, a rocket company in Orlando, Florida, to provide launches from the USA for a range of potential commercial customers, including remote sensing and mobile communications companies.

The Shavit can place 150kg into low earth orbit from its national Palmachin launch site near Tel Aviv.

IAI has also agreed with one of the leading US rocket propulsion companies to enter negotiations to load the first two stages with solid propellant and provide the solid motor for the Shavit's third stage, replacing the Israel-built AUS 51 motor.

This agreement ensures that 51% of the value of the launcher will be produced in the US, which satisfies the US government's conditions for the deal to proceed.



Israeli space representatives have been touring the USA looking at potential launch sites, which include Cape Canaveral's Pad 46 being operated by Spaceport Florida Authority, and a commercial pad at Wallops Island built by EER Systems for its Conestoga booster.

IAI will also later link with Matra Marconi Space to market the Shavit in Europe and to launch it from Kourou, Guiana. This is part of the European space company's strategy to ensure the European launcher capability covers all payload needs, complementing Ariane's heavy launcher capabilities with a small satellite launcher.

The Shavit could be equipped with a French Proteus upper stage.

The new Matra Marconi Dornier company will add Russia's Tsyklon rocket to the fleet to provide the medium launch capability.

Source: Flight Daily News