Israel is to use three civilian satellites to improve its spy satellite capability. Under a deal signed in late January the Israeli Ministry of Defence will use earth remote observation satellites to be launched by a company known as West Indian Space - a Cayman Islands-registered concern jointly owned by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), El Op and US software company Core.

IAI will build the Eros 1m-resolution satellites, El Op will supply the optical payload and Core's software technology will distribute the images.

The eight-strong Eros constellation is designed to allow the imaging of every point on earth at least once a day. The first satellite will be launched at the end of the year and seven more craft will follow by 2003.

The satellites will probably be launched by Russian Start-1 boosters into their low altitude sun-synchronous orbits. Eros satellites will be based on the technology used to build the Offeq-3, Israel's first spy satellite, still in orbit.

The initial contract with the Israeli MoD is for eight years. Negotiations are also under way with other potential customers in Europe and South America.

Source: Flight International
