Elisra has revealed details of its electronic warfare (EW) suite developed for Israeli air force BoeingAH-64DApache Longbow attack helicopters. Specifications are classified but Elisra acknowledges that the suite will comprise radar, laser and infrared-missile warning systems, electronic countermeasures and chaff and flare dispensers. Sensor fusion is a "key element".

The system is based on products developed for Israel's fighter fleet but, says Shlomo Livne, general manager Elisra defence systems division, it is designed for the Apache's weight limitations. The suite detects threats, prioritises them and provides the pilot with an audio warning in addition to a visual warning on a 100mm (4in) display.

Livne says the suite's active element has a unique wide spectrum capability. "There is no other suite that can jam such a wide range of threats," he says. The system is capable of detecting a "one pulse" threat, and then jamming its sensor immediately after launch.

Livne says the system will work "in harmony" with the AH-64D's other systems including the Longbow fire control radar. The prototype suite will be installed and tested on the Boeing assembly line. Series installation of most subsystems will be performed in Israel.

Meanwhile, the air force has a requirement to improve combat co-operation between unmanned air vehicles and attack helicopters.

The use of UAVs for real-time intelligence on armed Palestinian groups in the West Bank and Gaza, loitering over designated areas and passing target data video to attack helicopters, has created a demand for better tools to reduce the helicopter's reaction time.

Tadiran Spectralink is developing systems with satellite communications as the main building block and offering datalinks for real time transmission of video and other information from the UAVs to the helicopters.

The Israeli air force is equipping some UAVs with a lightweight Elisra electronic support measures (ESM) system for long-endurance unmanned platforms. The 17kg (37lb) AES-210v ESM is designed to locate ground-based, airborne and shipborne emitters.

Source: Flight International