Italy may become the next nation to join the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase of the Joint Strike Fighter programme, as Rome considers acquiring a conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) as well as a short-take-off version.

"We've successfully concluded negotiations with the Italians and are now staffing it with the intent of signing a memorandum of understanding in March," says Jon Schreiber, JSF international programme director. Italy would be the second country after the the UK to commit to EMD (Flight International, 23-29 January) and the first 'level two' participant.

Rome is expected to take up to a 5% stake in EMD and second three to five people to the JSF Programme Office (JPO) in return for an investment of around $1.2 billion. The UK will take part in the downselect between Boeing and Lockheed Martin, while other levels give lower degrees of participation and personnel in the project.

"Italy is committed since JSF is the sole candidate to replace its Harriers. They are also considering a mixed fleet replacing conventional take-off aircraft with a CTOL version of JSF," says Schreiber. The Italian navy operates 18 BAE Systems/BoeingAV-8B/TAV-8B Harrier II Plus fighters, while the air force needs to replace its Alenia/Embraer AMX and Panavia Tornado strike fleets. At least 90 aircraft could be jointly purchased and operated by the two services.

The JPO is continuing EMD talks with its other concept demonstration phase observers and foreign military sales participants. The Netherlands will hold further talks by April on becoming another level two player, while Turkey will open negotiations in February.

"Turkey wants to be a level two participant, but whether it has funding is yet to be decided," he says. Italy is likely to be the only level two player, with the Netherlands and Turkey taking "something less than 5% and reduced benefits". Canada will hold more talks in March on becoming a level three player. Denmark and Norway are discussing a joint 1-2% stake. The JPO has set a target of 20% foreign participation for EMD.

Source: Flight International