Italian transport minister Alessandro Bianchi has revealed Viterbo as Italy’s preferred site for a third airport in the Lazio region to serve the capital Rome.

Viterbo, which is located around 80km northwest of Rome, was selected by the transport ministry following an evaluation of four potential sites.

Commercial traffic currently operates from Rome’s main Fiumicino and fast growing Ciampino airports, but Italy has been studying development of a third airport to alleviate environmental and noise concerns relating to the growth of Ciampino.

Bianchi says the increase in traffic flows through the Lazio airport system and the exponential growth at Ciampino have made it urgent to find a solution that addresses environmental and social issues.

It estimates traffic in the region could reach up to 56 million passengers by 2020. A majority 46 million of this would is envisaged going through Fiumicino and a 3 million threshold at Ciampino, leaving a third airport for the region catering for low cost traffic handling between 6-8 million passengers.

The ministry says Viterbo was identified as the prime site – it also considered the cities of Latina, Frosinone and Guidonia in the Lazio region - because of the absence of any competitive commercial airports within a radius of 100-150km. It also notes Viterbo would be the cheapest and quickest option for relocating existing military operations at the current site compared to the other candidates.

Bianchi notes the only weakness of Viterbo over the other potential sites was it comparatively less good rail and road links from the city. Efforts will be put in place to strengthen these links.

Precise details will now be worked out on costs and timings of the project.

Earlier this year Italy introduced a reduced cap on traffic levels at Ciampino Airport to address environmental and social concerns resulting from its growth. The move is currently suspended as the decision has been challenged by budget carrier Ryanair, which argues the decision is an attempt to protect struggling national carrier Alitalia by blocking competition in Rome.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news
