The Raytheon AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), described by the US military as îa revolution in strike warfare', is on display in Hall 2 (A13). The AGM-154 is a series of low-cost, stand-off weapons under development by Raytheon for the US Navy and US Air Force. Designed for continued growth, the modularity of JSOW will enable the integration of sub-munitions, non-lethal payloads, terminal sensors and various modes of propulsion.


JSOW has at present integrated the BLU-97 combined effects bomblets and the BLU-108 Sensor Fuzed Weapon sub-munitions. Development of a unitary warhead version, with an imaging infrared (IIR) terminal sensor for precision attacks, is also underway. The AGM-154A/BLU-97 and the AGM-154B/BLU-108 variants are guided by an integrated Global Positioning System and the Inertial Measurement System (GPS/INS), receiving targeting information in a totally pre-briefed mode or through on-board sensors (as well as other third party targeting assets). The AGM-154C unitary variant will utilise the GPS/INS in order to navigate whilst en route to the target area, where the IIR sensor provides guidance for the terminal impact phase.

Thanks to its modularity, JSOW is able to take advantage of new developments in payloads and sensors. Its payload bay will accommodate several lethal, and non-lethal, cargoes; from warheads to pamphlets to sensors. JSOW is currently flying on the F/A-18 and F-16 aircraft, and will soon be onboard the B-52, B-2, B-1 and F-15E.

Source: Flight Daily News