Europa Aircraft's first appearance at Farnborough reflects a growing confidence on the part of the British kitplane manufacturers. CEO Tony Tiarks explains: "We always thought that Farnborough was for the bigger players."

But this year Tiarks, who co-founded the company in 1989, took a last-minute decision to choose Farnborough over Oshkosh. "It's a profile-raising exercise. I think we've got a well known brand but it needs some greater recognition," he says.

So, for the first time the Farnborough static display features a EuropaXS.


Having sold around 750 Europas in 32 countries in the past decade, Europa has just launched a motor-glider based on the same design. It has sold 30-35 units, with a couple already delivered.

The Europa was conceived as a 'dream machine' by designer and co-founder Ivan Shaw. It is capable of taking off in an unprepared field from 250metres and, depending on what engine has been installed, has a range of more than 500nm. The basic EuropaXS airframe, which is designed for speedy construction, costs around £15,000. A fully equipped aircraft will come to around £35,000. Tiarks says there has been recent interest in a Europa for defence operations. "Its ability to operate at low speeds and carry reasonably high payloads at a very economical price has some obvious attractions."

Source: Flight Daily News