Honeywell has run the TFE731-50 turbofan as it continues to pursue applications with business-jet manufacturers. The 4,900lb-thrust (22kN) engine is a low-risk derivative of the TFE731-60 powering the Dassault Falcon 900EX, with a clipped wide-chord fan and rearranged gearbox and accessories allowing it to fit within the nacelle of the earlier TFE731-5B. Compared with the 4,700lb-thrust -5B, which powers the Falcon 900C and re-engined Falcon 20-5, the digitally controlled -50 benefits from the lower specific fuel consumption and higher reliability and maintainability of the -60. Honeywell is aiming for certification of the TFE731-50 in 2004, if it secures an application. Flight testing is planned for mid-year on a Falcon 20 testbed.

Source: Flight International