Boeing has completed 90% of the design for its planned 777-200LR (Longer Range) passenger aircraft which will fly farther than any other commercial jet.

Boeing said the milestone signifies that it is moving from design to production of the world's longest-range passenger aircraft. It will carry 301 passengers up to 9,420 nm (17,446 km).

"With more than 3,000 engineering events released, programme partners and suppliers around the world have begun manufacturing the first detailed parts," said Lars Andersen, Longer Range 777 programme manager.

"This airplane will provide non-stop service anywhere in the world."

The 777-200LR will extend the range of the 777 family of aircraft by more than 1,500 nm (2,775 km), allowing airlines to service non-stop routes such as Chicago-Sydney and New York-Singapore at full passenger payload.


The first 777-200LR enters production in October this year and begins flight-testing early in 2005. First delivery is scheduled for the first quarter of 2006.

The twin-engine aircraft will be powered by a high-thrust derivative of the General Electric GE90 engine found on existing 777s. To date, two customers have ordered a total of five 777-200LRs.

Source: Flight Daily News