Marshall Aerospace has launched an ad hoc charter company called Marshall Executive Aviation, using its company-owned Cessna Citation Bravo business jet. The move, says the Cambridge, UK-based maintenance and modification specialist, is a response to growing demand for executive travel from around the local area.

"Cambridge is the fastest-growing city in the UK, attracting a number of European and US high-tech companies which need flexible executive transport," says Terry Holloway, group support executive for the Marshall Group.

Marshall has seen an increase in business aviation movements at the company-owned Cambridge City airport and is keen to exploit the facility. Holloway adds: "We are actively marketing and promoting the airfield as a business and regional airport. Although we have no designs to turn it into a dedicated business aviation site, we are witnessing a huge growth in traffic with up to 30 movements a week."

Marshall Executive, which received its air operator's certificate last month, says it will consider adding aircraft as demand grows.



Source: Flight International