An English-speaking European Union country with a tradition of welcoming foreigners, a minimum of red tape and a burgeoning aviation sector: that is the attraction of Malta for anybody setting up an aircraft business in Malta, according to representatives of the tiny Mediterranean island. They are at MEBA for the first time (stand E355).
Malta is publicising its aviation register as well as its business aviation cluster, represented for the past year by the 15-member Malta Business Aviation Association.
The country is also establishing a reputation as a centre for maintenance, repair and overhaul - both Lufthansa Technik and SR Technics have bases there.
Because Malta is in the EU, owners registering or basing aircraft there can access the entire European market. However, the country's streamlined administration means achieving an airport ooperator's certificate is much quicker and simpler than in most EU countries, according to the association's Stanley Bugeja, who is also managing director of DC Aviation in Malta.
"We had two recent AOCs awarded within 40 days," he says. "The difference is that you get an immediate reaction. You can speak directly to the person that matters, even the director."
English is also one of two languages spoken fluently by the 400,000 Maltese. "It means that all official documents are published in English and Maltese, rather than having to be translated as they would in other states," says Bugeja.
Source: Flight Daily News