MTU has signed a letter of intent with Pratt & Whitney Canada for phase II of the Advanced Technology Fan Integrator (AFTI) programme.

The German company developed the high-speedlow-pressure turbine for Phase I of the PW800, which is a 12,000-20,000lb-thrust (53-88kN) engine. P&WC is eyeing large business and regional jets as potential applications.

AFTI phase II will develop core technologies with MTU supplying the high-pressure compressor, says Dr Paul Krammer, MTU vice-president customer support and programme management.

The first compressor rig tests will take place in the third quarter of next year and the first run of the new core will follow around six months later.

Krammer says MTU's stake is being negotiated and P&WC vice-president international business development Joesf Torchetti says Fiat and Russian companies Aviadvigatel, Perm and Salyut could also join.

Source: Flight International