NASA's fiscal year 2004 budget request reflects the decision taken last year to keep the Space Shuttle in service beyond 2012, and postpone development of a next-generation reusable launch vehicle. The space agency is looking at options to extend Shuttle life to 2020 and beyond.

The $3.97 billion sought for the Shuttle, up from $3.79 billion in 2003, includes $379 million - $1.7 billion over five years - for the Space Shuttle Life Extension programme. The budget request includes $550 million to begin development of the Orbital Space Plane, leading to an International Space Station crew return capability by 2010 and a crew transfer capability by 2012. The reusable OSP will be carried atop an expendable launch vehicle.

NASA seeks $515 million for the Next Generation Launch Technology programme, to fund kerosene engine development and hypersonic propulsion research. A decision is due in 2010 on whether to begin full-scale development of a Shuttle replacement, leading to a first flight around 2015.

Source: Flight International
