Rob Coppinger / London

NASA last week told selected companies that they have been chosen as finalists for its $500 million commerical crew and cargo project to supply the International Space Station (ISS).

Late last week, only engineering service companies Andrews Space and Spacehab had confirmed that they had been selected for the Commercial Orbital Transportation Service (COTS) demonstrations, but Rocketplane-Kistler, SpaceDev, Space Exploration Technologies and Transformational Space are also believed to have been selected.

Some of these companies will be selected by the end of the third quarter to enter into Space Act Agreements (SAA) with the US agency to develop transport systems for cargo and, eventually, crew. SAAs are arrangements for the involvement of NASA personnel and/or facilities in work undertaken by a third party.

Although SAAs can see NASA charge companies for its services, the agency will provide funds for COTS, with $50 million available for the first fiscal year, to be divided between the winners.

If the companies can demonstrate an ability to deliver cargo to the ISS by 2010, they could go on to develop crew transport vehicles through COTS.

NASA declines to say how many companies were not selected for further talks or how many had bid for the agreements originally.

Source: Flight International
