A French company at NBAA is helping flight departments and operators all over the world to protect their business jets.

Security technology company OVIV is showing its Sentinel 100, which was developed for Dassault to give Falcon owners peace of mind when leaving their aircraft at unfamiliar airfields.

"Falcon owners just loved it," says OVIV chief executive Bruno Combe. "We now offer the system for owners of aircraft from super-midsize through to ultra-large jets"

The Sentinal unit is placed under a single aircraft or central to a group of aircraft and covers a pre-determined secure zone. An intruder sets off an alarm which triggers a live SMS message and video to the holder of a special handset who could be the pilot or even the security management at the aircraft's home base.

"False alarms are reduced because of the video analysis," Combe says. "You can see if it is the refuelers for instance. If it is a real intruder video evidence can be presented to the FBO or the local police."

If there have been no alarms triggered, the pilot's walk-around becomes much easier and quicker to complete.

"The system costs $130,000," says Combe. "That's not a lot of money for peace of mind."

Source: Flight Daily News