Israeli defence electronics house ELTA Electronic Industries has unveiled a new innovative pod-mounted synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for combat aircraft.

The EL/M-2060P can be fitted to high performance combat aircraft, such as the F-16, F/A-18, JAS 39 and Tornado, to provide a self-contained all-weather, day-night high resolution reconnaissance radar system.


The company, a subsidiary of Israel Aircraft Industries, claims the system produces images that approach photographic resolution.

The pod is part of a system which also includes a ground image exploitation station and a built-in bi-directional data-link.

The company has also delivered a compact airborne surveillance system, installed on a Raytheon Beech King Air 200, to an unnamed customer in South America.

This system includes a communication intelligence and electro-optical sensor package.


This follows the sale of a EL/M-2226 advanced coastal surveillance radar to an undisclosed NATO country.

Elta and the IAI's MBT division have recently been contracted by Ingalls Shipyard in Mississipi, USA, to supply advanced EL/M-22398 3-D surveillance radar and weapon control systems to be installed on Venezuelan Lupo class frigates.

ELTA has also been contracted to supply 180 man-portable ground surveillance radars to an undisclosed Asian country.

Source: Flight Daily News