VladivostokAvia is in negotiations for three Tupolev Tu-204-300s - the short-fuselage version of the twinjet that began flight testing in August.

The expected deal, revealed by Valery Savotchenko, executive director of the Aviastar plant, should be signed in October. It will be the second for the 160-seat model: Moscow-based Transaero has a firm order for four Tu-204-300s for delivery by the end of 2005, plus six options.

Other possible deals for new-build types include an order for 25 Tu-334s from Pulkovo Airlines, and the acquisition of whitetail Tu-154Ms by Sibir and Urals Airlines. Tu-334 builder RSK MiG is in talks with Polkovo, while Aviacor is trying to find homes for the last six Tu-154Ms, which are stored at its plant in Samara awaiting completion.

Source: Flight International
