Peter La Franchi/CANBERRA

The Australian Department of Defence's new 10-year spending blueprint contains a shortfall of between A$10 billion and A$32 billion ($5.1 billion-16.2 billion) over the allocation approved by government as part of the Defence white paper published last December.

The plan, provided by the DoD to the Australian Senate's Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee, shows that aerospace alone accounts for A$11.72-21.09 billion of new spending over the period.

The full package of Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Joint Services equipment acquisitions total A$23.71 billion to A$45.75 billion. The list ranges from new air warfare destroyers, fighters, surface-to-air missiles and upgrades to existing hardware.

The white paper's 10-year plan (Flight International, 12-18 December 2000), identifies new-capability investments and equipment upgrades totalling A$13.73 billion over the period.

As reported exclusively by Flight International last week, the blueprint includes acquiring Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft in Australia's 2004-05 defence budget at a cost of up to A$250 million. It also reveals that approval is being sought, in this month's defence budget, for 20-24 more SikorskyS-70A Black Hawks, and approval for the structural refurbishment of Boeing F/A-18A/B Hornets.

Aerospace-related projects in this month's budget package totals A$1.49-3.07 billion. The overall package, details of which will be released on 22 May, totals between A$4.86 billion and A$8.87 billion. And it includes a further A$1 billion in upgrades to the RAN's Collins Class submarines.

The scheduling data is the most detailed information on proposed acquisitions made public since the release of the white paper. The information has been eagerly awaited by industry.

Even allowing for the part transfer of costs beyond 2011 and project scheduling slippages, the data shows that the white paper underestimate the cost of new capabilities by a minimum average of 42%. This is despite government claims that the spending figures are "the most specific long-term defence funding projections more than 25 years".

DoD estimates are based on a formula that expresses a project's value in a funding range. For example, the proposed buy of Raytheon SM-2 missiles for the navy is valued at $250-500 million.

The scale of budget over-runs detailed by the blueprint points to further rounds of project cuts in the white paper spending plan on top of those executed recently. The schemes effectively require additional defence spending allocations to be made by future Australian Governments around 2006-07 if the white paper capability plan is to be maintained. That requirement also indicates that the white paper funding allocations represent no more than a five year solution to a DoD spending crisis which has gripped the Defence Forces for the past two years.

Defence analysts warn that the spending increases pressure on high profile projects, such as the RAAF's Project Air 5077 AEW&C acquisition, to perform as contracted if further cuts are to be avoided.

Projects by year of planned approvals

Project name

In service target

Cost band (A$)


Air 5046 Phase 5/6

Airlift helicopters


$250-500 million

Air 5190 Phase 1A

Caribou life extension


$100-250 million

Air 5376 Phase 3

F/A-18 Structural Refurbishment


$250-500 million

Air 5416 Phase 1A

Echidna EW Ground Support


$20-50 million

JP 2070 Phase 2

Lightweight Anti Submarine Torpedoes


$250-500 million

Land 19 Phase 5A

RBS70 Life of type extension


Below $20 million

Land 19 Phase 6

Additional RBS70 systems


$100-250 million

Sea 1390 Phase 4

SM-1 missile replacement


$250-500 million

Sea 1428 Phase 2B and Phase 3

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles


$250-500 million


Air 5402 Phase 1

Air-to-air refuelling


Above $1 billion

Air 5416 Phase 2

Echidna EWSP for tactical aircraft


$100-250 million

Air 6000 Study Phase 3

New Aerospace Combat Capability – Options Determination


$50-100 million

Sea 1229 Phase 4

Nulka active mission decoys


$20-50 million

Sea 1405 Phases 3&4

Seahawk mid-life upgrade


$0.5-1 billion


Air 5414 Phase 1

C-130H refurbishment


$0.5-1 billion

JP 129

Tactical UAVs


$100-250 million

JP 2025

Jindalee Operational Radar Network Upgrade


$100-250 million


Air 5190 Phase 2

Caribou replacement Tactical Airlifter


$0.5-1 billion

Air 5276 Phase 5

AP-3C electro-optic suite replacement


$20-50 million

Air 5276 Phase 6

AP-3C TADIL capability


$100-250 million

Air 5395 Phase 3

Air Combat Training System


$100-250 million

Air 5405 Phase 1

Replacement Mobile Control and Reporting Unit


$20-50 million

Air 5409 Phase 1

Bomb improvement programme


$50-100 million

Air 5418 Phase 1

Follow On Stand Off Missiles


$250-500 million

Air 5421

F-111 tactical reconnaissance and strike support


$50-100 million

JP 117

Rapier SAM replacement


$250-500 million

JP 2062

Global Hawk


$100-250 million


Air 5046 Phase U1

Black Hawk life extension


$500-$1 billion

Air 5404

F-111 Strike Capability enhancement


$250-500 million

Air 5416 Phase 3

Echidna EW for F-111s


$100-250 million


Commercially provided training helicopter service


Less than $20 million

JP 2070 Phase 3

Lightweight anti-submarine torpedoes


$100-250 million

Sea 1102 Phase U1

Laser airborne depth sounder replacement


$50-100 million

Sea 1428 Phase 4

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles


$20-50 million


Air 6000 Phase 3A

New aerospace combat capability aquisition Phase 1


Above $2 billion

JP 2063

ADF Airdrop for operational sustainment


$50-100 billion


Air 120 Phase 2

Chinook upgrade


$100-250 million

Air 5276 Phase R

AP-3C Orion remanufacture programme


Above $1 billion

Air 5333 Phase 3A

Air defence command and control system upgrade


$20-50 million

Sea 1151 Phase U

Seahawk simulator upgrade


$20-50 million

Sea 1414 Phase U1

Penguin missile upgrade


$20-50 million


Sea King life extension and upgrade


$20-50 million


Air 5387 Phase U3

Weapon system support facility upgrades for F/A-18, F-111 and AP-3C


$100-250 million


Air 6000 Phase 3B

New aerospace combat capability acquisition Phase 2


Above $2 billion

JP 1 Phase U

Harpoon missile upgrade


$50-100 million

Source: Flight International