All Ops & safety articles – Page 703

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    Asian boom


    With strong traffic growth in Asia set to stay for the foreseeable future, the authorities in China and Hong Kong must ensure airport and air traffic control...

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    Network Latin America: Flight to Central America


    Nations in Central America like Costa Rica and Panama are becoming increasingly popular destinations for business...

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    Airline appointments


    Americas Delta Air Lines The choice of Richard Anderson, 52, to lead Delta Air Lines has received widespread acclaim in the industry, with one...

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    Market outlook: The fallout from US credit turmoil


    The fallout from US credit turmoil How will the financial problems in the US impact airline orderbooks? asks Chris Tarry. Analysis from Antonio Panariello What...

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    Maintenance for low-cost carriers: Outer limits


    Maintenance outsourcing has become a crucial part of the business model for low-cost and smaller carriers. But there is no one size fits all solution ...

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    Limited liberalisation for US-Japan


    Japan and the USA agreed in September on a limited air services liberalisation that sets the stage for negotiations toward a larger loosening of restrictions. The...

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    IATA sounds profit warning


    IATA says rising fuel prices and a worsening worldwide credit crunch will crimp profits In its latest forecast and snapshot of industry conditions,...

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    Slot trading at Heathrow


    As a rash of slot trades takes place at Heathrow with US carriers bidding to enter London's premier international gateway, the future of these critical and...

  • Qantas, W200

    Geoff Dixon: Unlocking value at Qantas


    Chief executive Geoff Dixon is moving fast to restructure Qantas Airways following this year's failed takeover bid. Can he do the things private equity wanted...

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    Consolidation hits Venezuela


    Consolidation and shifting operations offshore are the latest tactics adopted by Venezuela's privately-owned airlines as a means of coping with government...

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    Virgin Blue's New Zealand move


    Australia and New Zealand took a step closer to a single aviation market with Virgin Blue's decision to enter NZ market Virgin Blue's Christchurch-based...

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    Trouble at US Airways


    US Airways is responding to its sagging service levels by bringing in a new executive to serve as chief operating officer but faces worsening labour problems. The...

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    European airlines rediscover South Atlantic market


    European carriers have been piling on capacity in the South Atlantic over the past few years, often winning the lion's share of some lucrative...

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    Macau set for airline expansion


    Macau gambles on new carrier Macau is gearing up for the launch of a new low-cost airline early next year as the former Portuguese enclave near Hong...

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    US carriers begin hiring again


    US carriers are trying to make up for six consecutive years of staff reductions US carriers are hiring across a wide swath of jobs skills as they prepare...

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    Family Business


    Eclipse Aviation’s growing pains have been widely documented. Jeffrey Decker meets up with man behind the VLJ revolution and finds out how the company is faring.

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    Fuel Quality hunts contamination


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    Australia to back Boomerang general aviation trainer


    Australian manufacturer Dean Wilson Aviation has completed its first production Boomerang training aircraft, with certification from Australia's Civil Aviation...

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    Lufthansa crew lands Q400 with nose-gear up


    German investigators are to examine an Augsburg Airways Bombardier Q400 which landed at Munich today with its nose-gear retracted, after turning back from a service to Florence.