IF YOU have never been to the Paris air show before, it is always worth taking advice from a seasoned attender. Here are some likely tips:

  • While serendipity - that chance meeting with a long-forgotten former colleague or ambling through the many halls in the chance of stumbling upon a great new product or service - is one of the joys of Paris, there is no substitute for rigorously planning your time at the show. But do not plan so tightly that you have no flexibility or time to get from one appointment to the next. Walking from one end of the site to the other can take 20min.
  • Prepare for all weather. You will spend a lot of your time outside and the June climate in Paris can vary from searing humidity to torrential downpours, which can turn dusty walkways to a quagmire and pavements to flowing rivers in minutes. Take a raincoat or umbrella as well as sunblock.
  • Remember that patience is a virtue. French bureaucracy, security concerns and Parisian traffic combine to make getting to and into the show a real chore. Taking the train from Gare du Nord, and a shuttle from Le Bourget station is quicker and cheaper than battling the road system in a taxi. In rush hour, allow an hour door to door if staying in central Paris.

Source: Flight Daily News
