European ministers representing France, Germany and the UK hope to reach a final decision on Airbus A350 funding by the end of the month following a meeting of Airbus ministers at Le Bourget today.

After the meeting, which Spain did not attend, French transport minister Dominique Bussereau said an agreement in principle had been reached on the issue of funding arrangements for the A350 -an issue complicated by the ongoing World Trade Organisation dispute between Europe and the USA on financial support for large commercial aircraft.

German economy and technology secretary, Peter Hintze says: "We have not reached the stage yet where we could make a final decision. But we have moved forward. We just need to agree on details."

UK business and defence minister Lord Drayson saysthe UK is "committed" to the UK support of the A350. "We are in detailed negotiations at this point and we absolutely support the initative made Mr Bussereau to commit us to completing these negotiations by the end of the month," he says.

France has put forward proposals on refundable advances and indicated it is prepared to provide €1.4 billion ($1.9 billion) towards the A350 programme and Germany up to €1.1 billion. The UK would not be drawn on the level of its support.

Source: Flight Daily News