Helices Halter (hall 4, D18) is displaying examples of its propellers for unmanned air vehicles. A range of material types are deployed in the family firm's propellers, including metals and composite-wood hybrids.

Halter has supplied propellers to French company Sagem for its Sperwer programme and to Israel's Elbit Systems, for its Hermes 450 and 180 UAVs. Each of Halter's propellers is custom-made to suit the particular aircraft and engine.

France-based Helices Halter, which has partnered Swiss company Propellers Design to extend the Halter brand, is run by David Halter, whose father founded the company in the 1980s. It has seven employees. David Halter identifies just one problem facing his company: the length of time it takes the French administration to authorise exports of war materials.

Source: Flight Daily News