Israel Aerospace Industries' Heron unmanned air vehicles could be the winners of medium-altitude long-endurance UAV contracts in both France and Germany by early 2010.

Germany is expected to make a decision between the IAI Heron TP and General Atomics Aeronautical Predator B next year and Thales' Système de Drone proposal, a Heron TP variant, could be chosen by France in December.

In the last eight weeks the French government has been given by Thales the last of the information the government needs to make a decision.

As for Germany's ongoing competition, says Israel Aerospace Industries Malat Division general manager Tommy Silberring: "The decision has been postponed to next year, at the beginning of [2010] the German government will re-examine the issue."

He adds that IAI is working with Rheinmetall on an offer for the interim solution the German government is looking for before commiting to a MALE full operating capability. That interim solution might be a IAI Heron I.

Thales meanwhile is using the Heron TP because its 1,000kg (2,200lb) payload capability allows for the radar and electro-optical baseline planned and for sensor package growth. That payload growth could also include weapons.

The Luftwaffe also prefers the TP over the Heron I because of its Afghanistan mission requirements.

Source: Flight Daily News