Rafael has unveiled its new Recce-U reconnaissance system for use with unmanned air vehicles.

A scaled-down version of the Israeli company's successful Reccelite pod, which equips manned fighters such as the Lockheed Martin F-16, the new derivative can collect high-resolution images by day or night and across a wide field of view.

Lova Drori, Rafael's vice-president of marketing, says the Recce-U payload is available in two configurations. The first is suitable for carriage by medium-altitude, long-endurance systems such as the General Atomics MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper or Israel Aerospace Industries' Heron TP, while the other will fit smaller UAV designs.

Rafael says the payload's free-moving turret will provide continuous photography of an area of interest, irrespective of air vehicle manoeuvres. Its multiple operating modes include the "routine" scan of a pre-defined area, plus spot, stare, strip and line search coverage.

Source: Flight Daily News