One of Russia's most inward-investment friendly regions is launching an effort at the show to attract aerospace companies to what it claims is the country's aerospace capital.

The regional government in Ulyanovsk offers overseas companies a range of incentives ranging from favourable tax and customs rates to the personal involvement of the governor in supervising investment projects.

Foreign companies with plants in the region include UK drinks giant SAB Miller, confectionery group Mars and Japanese vehicle maker Isuzu.

The region to the south-east of Moscow, which centres on the city of Ulyanovsk, has a domestic aerospace sector led by the Aviastar production plant which produces the Antonov An-124 and Tupelov Tu-204, and also includes several component manufacturers. There is also a large aerospace education and research sector. However, plans to establish a Russian manufacturing factory for the Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 500 very light jet collapsed after the US company folded last year.

Governor Sergey Morozov says the regional government is at the show "to get to know the aerospace industry and inform them about a special area that offers very attractive terms and conditions".

Access to a well-trained workforce, and labour rates that are less than half those in Western Europe and just 50% more than those in China, are also major incentives, according to the regional government.

Source: Flight Daily News