Farnborough International is launching its sales and marketing drive for the next Farnborough International air show with a promise that FIA 2012 will be the best show yet. "Our philosophy is all about adding value for our visitors and exhibitors, giving them more reason to spend more time at Farnborough," said Shaun Ormrod, FIA chief executive.

Farnborough 2010 was a huge success, boasting orders worth $47 billion, while 1,455 Exhibitors took part and over 120,000 trade visitors attended, including 70 delegations from 44 countries, said FIA. But not wanting to stand still, the organiser has listened to feedback from its exhibitors and is making improvements for the 2012 event.

Farnborough is offering a wider variety of chalet and shell scheme packages for 2012, as well as the opportunity to make a 2% saving if companies book before 31 October 2011. Packages have been developed to offer more flexible options for exhibitors, including all-inclusive packages to make exhibiting easier than ever before.

Other innovations will see the exhibition halls closed on the weekend public days, helping exhibitors save time and money. More activities and an augmented flying display will be added on these days to ensure visitors have a great day out.

The final trade day of the show sees the advent of Jubilee Day. This will feature a number of initiatives including an educational youth programme known as Futures Day (an initiative managed by ADS, the UK trade association advancing the aerospace, defence and security industries) and invitations to exhibitor's guests and their families.

The 49th Farnborough takes place ahead of the London 2012 Olympic Games and marks the start of the biggest summer events season the UK has ever seen, said FIA. "We hope that many people visiting the UK for the Olympics will attend the air show too and celebrate the start of what will undoubtedly be an exciting summer," said Ormrod.

Source: Flight Daily News