Rolls-Royce has shipped the first pair of Trent 1000 engines for the Boeing 787, in preparation for the new twinjet's roll-out scheduled for 8 July.

The Trent 1000 is the lead 787 powerplant and offered in competition with General Electric's GEnx.

Rolls Royce Trent engines  
© Rolls Royce  
Rolls Royce ships the first pair of Trent 1000 engines for 787 roll-out

Nine development engines are being used for ground testing, with a further 10 Trent 1000s scheduled to support the flight test phase, which the manufacturer says will begin "shortly" using a 747 testbed.

Derby-based Rolls Royce expects to begin delivering production-standard engines to Boeing in the first quarter of next year following certification by the end of 2007.

Simulated altitude testing has been completed at the Arnold Engineering Development Centre (AEDC) in Tullahoma, Tennessee.

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