ILS INTERNATIONAL Launch Services' first commercial Russian Proton launch of the Astra 1F satellite from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on 28 March is in doubt after the failure of a similar booster to place a Russian communications satellite into the correct orbit after its 19 February launch.

The Raduga satellite was left stranded in a useless geostationary-transfer orbit after the failure of the second burn of the Proton's fourth stage. Over 200 pieces of debris have been detected in orbit, says the Molniya Space Consultancy in London, indicating that the fourth stage partially exploded at engine ignition, leaving the Raduga intact.

The Soyuz TM23, carrying two cosmonauts, was launched towards the Mir 1 space station on 21 February, to replace a three-man crew due to return on 29 February.

Source: Flight International
