Two engine manufacturers are to contest the second phase of the Russian air force's PAK FA next-generation fighter requirement, says the commission established in June to select its propulsion system.

MMPP Salyut and NPO Saturn are to construct and bench test technology demonstrators for the project, following an air force decision to divide the fifth-generation fighter programme into two stages. The new aircraft is also referred to as the I-21 and by Sukhoi as the T-50.

The programme's first phase will require an aircraft to fly by late 2008 or early 2009 with NPO Saturn's Item 117S engine, which also powers Sukhoi's new Su-35-1. A second test phase will start in 2012-13 ahead of the PAK FA production timeframe from 2015-16.

The latter effort will require the creation of technology demonstrators and their comparative testing over a two- or three-year period.

Both MMPP Salyut and NPO Saturn are understood to be required to cover part of the development costs using company funds.

Their proposals are based on the further development of the Item 117S design and a further evolution of Salyut's AL-31FM3 now undergoing bench testing.

The companies will then create full-scale engines adhering to an air force specification that outlines a production design in the 33,000-37,500lb-thrust (145-165kN) class while retaining the weight and dimensions of the current AL-31F series, with swivel nozzle and a life of not less than 4,000 flight hours.

Source: Flight International