Russia's future direction for a strategic partnership in aerospace appeared to be at a crossroads last week, with ministers making overtures to both Europe and China. The head of the Russian Federal Agency for Industry, Boris Alyoshin, said Russia hoped to develop a strategic partnership with EADS, rather than simply purchasing a shareholding.

"Various co-operation options are being considered," he said at Airshow China. "An alternative to partnership with EADS could be independent development or partnership with China - that's why we are verifying all these decisions. Russia's interests come first.

"The size of the EADS shareholding is of no consequence, even if it is 25%. Rather, it's a matter of what role Russia can play in this company. Unless we become a political player, the volume of shares won't matter."

Alyoshin's statement followed an offer to China to jointly develop a large civil airliner and cargo aircraft. "It will be a widebody aircraft seating between 275 and 350 passengers that will have a cargo variant," he said. "It could be our first civil aviation project of this scale. It could diversify relations between China and Russia, which were previously focused on the military sphere."

Source: Flight International