The launch provider Sea Launch has been selected to launch the Intelsat 27 communications satellite in early 2013. The launch will take place from Sea Launch’s launch platform Odyssey at its equatorial launch site, located at 154 degrees West longitude, in the international waters of the Pacific Ocean.
The 6,241kg Intelsat 27 communications satellite is built by Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. and will use the Boeing 702-MP bus design. The satellite is to be located at 304.5 degrees East longitude in geosynchonorous Earth orbit and will provide a minimum of 15 years’ service. The satellite will be the heaviest spacecraft ever to be lifted by the Sea Launch Zenit-3SL launch system. Sea Launch and Intelsat signed a multiple launch services agreement for up to five missions on the Sea Launch system in 2010 and the mission will be flown under this pre-existing contract.