Flight International online news 11:00GMT: The second Airbus A380 embarked on its maiden flight this morning, joining the first A380 in the ultra large aircraft’s flight test campaign which kicked off in April.

A380 second flight

The second aircraft (MSN004), which like the first is equipped with four Rolls Royce Trent 900 engines, took to the air at 10:49 this morning. It is on a flight to the west of Toulouse and south western France.

The aircraft is equipped with a large amount of test instrumentation to help determine environmental performance of engines, systems and materials under extreme weather conditions and altitude.

Hot and high campaigns and cold weather trials will take place in the first half of next year. During these latter trials, the aircraft will be exposed to up to minus 40 degrees. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) tests will also be undertaken in the first half of next year, to determine aircraft resistance to electromagnetic fields. 

Aircraft MSN001 has already carried out 105 flights and 366 flight hours since its first flight in April and Airbus says this aircraft is ahead of the test programme schedule.

Airbus chief operating officer and head of the A380 programme Charles Champion says: “The tests are going better than we expected and we can already say with certitude that we will deliver a great aircraft, which will live up to the expectations of the airlines and bring a step change to air transport.”

In total five A380 aircraft will be involved in the flight test programme. In addition to the two aircraft now in the programme, two additional Trent-powered aircraft will be equipped with full cabins and will undergo cabin and noise tests. They will also perform early long flights and later, route proving, together with further airport compatibility checks.

A fifth aircraft that will be used for the Engine Alliance GP7200-powered A380 test programme is due to fly in the first half of next year.

Kieran Daly thinks this is another step that will let Airbus focus harder on the A350. Read his blog here 


Source: Flight International