NASA performed the second free-flight test of the X-40A vehicle in mid-April at its Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, California. The X-40A is an 85% scale version of the Boeing X-37 experimental re-entry vehicle being developed by NASA to test technologies for operation in space and return through the Earth's atmosphere. In the latest X-40A test, the vehicle performed free flight and landing tests. Lifted by a US Army Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter to 4,600m (15,050ft), the X-40A was released and reached a speed of 130m/s (428ft/s) during its freefall. During the flight, the vehicle demonstrated flight control and autonomous landing systems. Up to seven free flights are planned for the X-40A, which was built by Boeing for the US Air Force. Later, an X-37 prototype will be flight tested in the atmosphere, before orbital and re-entry flight tests by the fully-fledged vehicle.


Source: Flight International
