Adrian Nicholas, the parachutist who recently hit the headlines by proving that Leonardo Da Vinci's 500-year-old parachute design actually worked, is dropping in on Farnborough.

The world record-holding sky diver recounted his historic parachute jump when he visited the North West Aerospace Alliance's stand in Hall 1 (E29).Adrian (38) risked life and limb to prove that the 187lb device would work when he completed the daring feat last month.


Strapped into a harness to which four thick ropes were strung beneath a frame of pine poles covered in canvass, he was hoisted 10,000ft over southern Africa, then descended 7,000ft, before cutting himself free and completing the jump with a conventional chute.

The chute was created by Adrian's girlfriend, Katrina Ollikainen, to prove that the design - scribbled in a notebook in Milan in 1485 - would work.

The chute was constructed using tools and materials that would have been available at the time.

The University of Salford, which is exhibiting on the Alliance stand, has a three-dimensional computer model of the descent.

Source: Flight Daily News