Singapore Airlines (SIA) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) to Airbus and Boeing for mid-size widebody twinjets and additional ultra-large airliners, with orders expected before the end of the year. SIA, confirming the RFP, says the timeframe for orders “will be flexible if it needs to be”.

Last month SIA chief executive Chew Choon Seng told Flight International an RFP would be issued shortly covering “at least 20” firm orders for the Airbus A350 or Boeing 787. He said the airline would also consider additional commitments for the Airbus A380 (for which SIA already has 10 firm orders and 15 options) or for Boeing’s proposed 747 Advanced. The carrier confirms these two categories of aircraft are covered by the RFP, although “the numbers depend on the orders we wish to place across the categories”.

SIA has long been considering acquiring widebody twinjets seating around 250 passengers for use on short- and medium-haul routes to replace Airbus A310s phased out in 2003. It also says it needs to place additional orders in the large aircraft category to replace the last of its 747-400s as well as to accomodate growth.

Source: Flight International