Israel's Tadiran Spectralink has won an order for its Airborne Search and Rescue System (ASARS) from Sikorsky which will fit the system to seven UH-60 Black Hawks for the Turkish army.

The contract is the first between Tadiran and the US helicopter manufacturer, although Israel and Turkey have strong defence links, with the former having supplied aircraft upgrades and weapons.

The seven UH-60s are ear-marked for Turkish army special forces use and will likely be used for combat search and rescue missions to recover downed aircrew as well as covert ground force operations. Turkey ordered 50 Black Hawks last year.

The ASARS provides range and bearing information for covert, non-visual and accurate locating of radio transponders. The ASR-700 airborne system purchased by Sikorsky has a range of around 200km (110nm), weighs 18kg (40lb) and comprises an avionics box, a control and display unit, an antenna switching unit and associated aerials. The system has been sold to France, Italy and Thailand.

The ASR-700 is designed to receive transmissions from held-held locator beacons such as Tadiran's PRC-434 transponder, which is already in service with the Turkish air force.

Source: Flight International