The next Asian Aerospace exhibition and airshow in Singapore will feature new special focus segments on key industry sectors – including Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), aviation security and aircraft interiors including in-flight entertainment.

Trixie Webster, vice-president of Asian Aerospace, says at Farnborough the additional spotlight on these sectors at Asian Aerospace 2004 was a direct response to industry feedback during and following the show earlier this year.

She adds: "Industry forecasts indicate the value of the UAV market could be in excess of $5 billion a year by the end of the decade and also predict the Asia-Pacific region will return to robust traffic growth.

"Boeing believes the region's share of world traffic will rise from 14-19% over the next two decades.

"We're taking account of these significant trends in our development of the show."


Asian Aerospace 2002 attracted 747 exhibiting companies from 36 countries, including 70 of the world's top 100 aerospace companies.

Over 23,433 trade visitors from 78 countries and an estimated 40,000 public visitors attended the 2002 show.

A record number of 120 official delegations from 38 countries were hosted and over $3.2 billion worth of trade deals were announced at the show, making it one of the most successful ever, says Webster.

Asian Aerospace 2004, in its 12th presentation, will be held at the Changi Exhibition Centre from 24-29 February 2004, with over 70% of the exhibiting companies from 2002 already rebooked for the coming show, she adds.

Source: Flight Daily News