Singapore’s transport minister has called for greater integration of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) across Asia-Pacific.

Delivering a keynote address at the Singapore Aviation Leaders Summit, minister Khaw Boon Wan pointed to the Single European Sky initiative as an example of how ANSPs in the region could integrate more closely to help manage the strong growth in air transport.

“We have taken some steps in this direction but I think we can do more together,” he says.

Khaw adds that collaborative decision making among ANSPs will soon be implemented on busy city-pairs, such as among Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok.

“We look forward to more countries and ANSPs coming on board,” he says.

Speaking in his own keynote address, IATA chief Tony Tyler noted that travel within Asia-Pacific is expected to grow from 34% of global travel to 42% by 2034, signifying the expected growth of the industry in the region.

The Aviation Leadership Summit is taking place in Singapore in conjunction with the Singapore air show.

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Source: Cirium Dashboard