Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications has signed a contract to provide system integration for Sky Station International's stratospheric telecommunications-relay airships. Sky Station's concept is to place unmanned airships in geostationary positions 70,000ft (21,350m) above major cities, to provide high-speed Internet services. The solar-powered airships, up to 160m long, would remain aloft unless recalled for repair. The start-up company has assembled a team which includes the UK's Airship Technologies, designing the platform; Italy's Alenia Spazio, developing the communications payload; and Germany's Dornier Satellitensysteme, providing the power system. Sky Station plans to launch its stratospheric telecommunications service in 2002. Airship Technologies, established by former employees of defunct manufacturer Airship Industries, completed a conceptual design review on the stratospheric platform earlier this year.

Source: Flight International