Aero Sekur is announcing its debut at Farnborough with the daring parachuting team, the Aero Sekur Shooting Stars, an all girl parachute jump team that will perform an impressive synchronized display on each day of the airshow at 2:30 pm.

Aero Sekur’s auspicious entry into the airshow this year is the launch of a global marketing campaign that will expose the company to international markets and reveal of a number of product innovations from the Italian company.

Aero Sekur supplies parachutes, helicopter flotation systems, ground defense (including NBCR), fuel-tanks, R&D, repair/overhaul and space structures.

“We have joined Farnborough because we want to expand our presence internationally, and show companies around the world that we are a solution provider,” says Silvio Rossignoli, president of Aero Sekur.

 Aero Sekur Parachute team

“Farnborough is the ideal arena to confirm Aero Sekur’s global supply capability and the company’s strength in R&D and innovation,” adds Aero Sekur CEO, Mark Butler. “The key message we are looking to convey at the airshow is that we are an established company leading the international field in product initiatives using new generation textiles and materials. We are looking to promote the scale of our organization that employs over 170 people and to promote the fact that we are working for major industry players.”

The SPacecrew Emergency Module (SPEM) is featured on the company’s stand, to demonstrate Aero Sekur’s innovative use of heat shield technology to develop a next generation rescue system to protect orbiting astronauts during emergency re-entry phase.

Source: Flight International