This week's picture is from a series of unique pictures from the Flight International spaceflight archive, which goes back to the very beginning of the space age.

Are you able to tell us the event pictured below? What is the mission? Tell us your thoughts and send us your own amusing caption by emailing Kelley Malcher, Flight's webmaster.  Answers and winning caption will be published next week. Please supply a physical location in your message.


  Space flight picture of the week

Spaceflight pic of the week


spaceflight pic 4 May 07


This image show's Boeing's concept for an Air Launched Sortie Vehicle for the US Air Force's Rocket Propulsion Lab, launching from atop a modified Boeing 747. Two rear outboard engines ignite to control and steer the vehicle. Once the spacecraft has cleared the 747's tail its remaining seven engines ignite to provide main propulsion. The reusable spacecraft would return to Earth, gliding to a runway landing.

For more news, pictures and information about the Boeing 747 please visit our 747 page
