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This week's picture is from a series of unique pictures from the Flight International spaceflight archive, which goes back to the very beginning of the space age.

Are you able to tell us the event pictured above? Tell us your thoughts and send us your own amusing caption by emailing Rob Coppinger, Flight International's space reporter.  Answers and winning caption will be published next week. Please supply a physical location in your message.

space pic of the week120506
National Aeronautics and Space Administrations

"Hmmm..., the new painting´s not bad, but how about more flowers!"

"Are you sure 8 engines are enough?"
"Won't they be surprised when they get to the moon and find me hiding in this tank!"
Jay Ayer, Boston, MA  USA

Thanks to you for supplying the captions.  The picture was correctly guessed by: Robert Spieler, and Jay Ayer.

Thanks too to all other readers who suggested an explanation.

Last week's photo shows Saturn I, shown in final assembly and checkout positions at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans.
In the foreground are 178cm diameter fuel and liquid oxygen tanks that are clustered around a 267cm diameter liquid oxygen tank to form the booster.

Source: Flight International
