Rolls-Royce has announced that a cross-functional team including Exostar, CommerceOne and EDS has brought more than 180 suppliers online in under three months to transact business electronically through Exostar's SupplyPass product.
Documents being transmitted are electronic planning schedules, goods receipt reports and invoice documents. Rolls-Royce's global supply chain now has a single scheduling system.
Exostar is an internet-based global exchange connecting manufacturers, suppliers and customers for sourcing, trading and collaboration in a secure and open environment. It represents the cooperative efforts of some of the world's largest aerospace and defence companies. BAE Systems, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Rolls-Royce are its five founding partners.
"This is a step forward for Rolls-Royce and our suppliers," says Richard Harris, programme manager - Exostar for Rolls-Royce. "The successful integration of these suppliers paves the way for the introduction of other electronic transactions in the future."
Stephen O'Sullivan, Exostar's executive vice-president of sales, says: "The acquisition programme used to integrate these suppliers into Exostar demonstrates the potential of the internet to train as well as trade, saving precious time and money in an era of tightening budgets throughout our industry."
An additional 150 suppliers will be registered this month, bringing the total direct procurement supplier base to 330.
Source: Flight Daily News