Swiss modifies roles in executive revamp

As it restructures every aspect of its business in its struggle to return to profitability, Swiss is bringing in a leaner management structure too.

The management board will be made up of: chief executive Dr Christoph Franz; managing director operations Manfred Brennwald; and managing director finances Ulrik Svensson. Sales, marketing and network will also be brought into management board positions, with the role of managing director commerce - formerly held by William Meaney who left in November - being axed.

The other board posts consist of the heads of network and sales and marketing. The network portfolio will be filled by Harry Hohmeister (40), an ex-Lufthansa manager who will join Swiss at the end of the year. He currently heads up the airline operations at Thomas Cook. Sales and marketing comes under the wing of Oliver Evans, who was previously executive vice-president passenger sales and has also run the carrier's cargo division.

The current network and strategy executive at Swiss, Martin Isler, will take on a new undecided role within the carrier. The airline's marketing and services division is being broken up with these moves and this change sees incumbent head Daniel Weder take on new duties within operations.

The newly created administrative corporate strategy department will be led by Dr Christoph Beckmann (40), a German industrial engineer.


Source: Airline Business