All Systems & interiors articles – Page 355
Interview: Tony Tyler, chief executive, Cathay Pacific Airways
Tony Tyler has had a distinguished career with Cathay Pacific Airways, culminating in him landing the top job in 2007. In this candid and wide-ranging interivew...
Parked fleet balloons as airlines dump capacity
As passenger demand slumps, airlines are under pressure to reduce capacity and park aircraft in an effort to avert further financial woes. The International...
Space tourism: Galactic Gamble - Is the market Virgin's to lose?
Flight testing has begun for spaceline start-up Virgin Galactic's carrier aircraft but after a five-year mission to reach the final frontier, is it all too big a leap?
American secures financing for majority of new 737s
American Airlines has secured financing to cover the majority of its expected Boeing 737 deliveries. The Oneworld alliance member today took delivery...
Air freighter fleet forecasted to double through 2028
A doubling of the world's freighter fleet over the next 20 years is being forecasted by the Air Cargo Management Group (ACMG) consultancy even as the industry...
EASA requires A300, A310 pilot seat deactivation
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is giving operators of Sogerma pilot seat-equipped Airbus A300-600, A300-600ST and A310 aircraft until 9 May to...
Comment: ICAO should set up santions against states that fail to prepare for performance-based navigation
It would be fantastic to wave a magic wand and bring performance-based navigation to the globe in a flash. In this ideal world, all the just-post-war...
Aer Lingus chairman: US operation under scrutiny in review
Aer Lingus is undergoing a review of its business as the airline looks to reverse last year's losses and improve on its poor outlook for 2009.
Working Week: A sustainable future at Thomson
Patrick Haller is a fuel manager at Thomson Airways. He is managing the implementation of the emission trading scheme at the airline and is closely involved with performance monitoring at the UK carrier
Panasonic to trial eXConnect on BBJ before commercial launch
Panasonic Avionics this summer will trial eXConnect on a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) in advance of its planned launch of the Ku-band in-flight connectivity...
Air traffic management stakeholders sign up to a peformance-based navigation future
The world's aviation community has struck a global deal to speed the roll-out of next-generation satellite-based air navigation to help drive efficiency...
DOT requires virtually no carve-outs in tentative Star approval
US regulators in their tentative approval of anti-trust for the establishment of a joint venture among four Star Alliance members are requiring virtually...
NTSB slams American maintenance, pilot performance in St. Louis engine fire
The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says American Airlines of "inappropriate" maintenance procedures to manually start Boeing MD-82 engines...
Ares and Altair design contracts to be awarded
Design contracts for NASA's Ares V cargo launch vehicle (CaLV) and its Altair lunar lander payload are to be awarded in the next few days and weeks. Both...
OpenSkies reveals violet streak as L'Avion 757s are repainted
British Airways' transatlantic business operation OpenSkies has started integrating the Boeing 757-200s of French carrier L'Avion into its fleet
BA premium traffic still falling in March
British Airways has posted March traffic and capacity figures that continue to show sharp falls in premium traffic. Figures for last month reveal...
Downturn forces Cirrus to delay aircraft development
The global economic meltdown has forced Cirrus Design to delay its new aircraft development timetable while it awaits the signs of recovery. Certification...
Business briefs
Sluggish civil sales growth, a declining value of the Israeli shekel and falling interest...