Thomas Culligan has a very personal perspective of the impact of the 11 September terrorist attacks.


The Raytheon International Inc. chairman and CEO usually offers visitors to his Arlington office a commanding view of Washington landmarks. On the fateful day he saw for himself the dramatic impact of the aircraft that hit the ground just short of the Pentagon before careering into the defence complex. The death toll would have been significantly higher if the Hijacked 757 had crashed directly into the Pentagon, Culligan said.


In light of Culligan's experience, it is no surprise that Raytheon's capabilities in the emerging area of home defence and security form a significant element of the company's showcase of products and services at Farnborough. The theme of the display is "Technologies to protect our world," he says.

"We are poised to bring our immense capabilities as an integrator of systems and information into this new and increasingly important arena."

"From airports to seaports to railways and government buildings, Raytheon provides a full array of integrated solutions to protect facilities and critical infrastructure."

The company will also highlight its non-military side including advanced air traffic management. Although general aviation division Raytheon Aircraft will not have any aircraft on display, Farnborough is still seen as a strategic environment to fly the corporate flag.

Culligan clearly remembers the negative impact of avoiding a key air show with a previous industry employer and reaffirms the role of such aerospace expos. But he indicated the emphasis would be on more intimate contact with industry contacts.

Source: Flight Daily News